Introduction to Vedic Invocational Mantras

In order to clear any obstacles that might be hindering the connection to our inner wisdom we call in the cosmic energies of Ganesha and Saraswati at the beginning of a class or practice.

There are many mantras that we can use for this. This workshop will focus on the traditional Vedic mantras as I have learned them from my teacher Shantala Sriramaiah, following the traditional way of chanting from the Mysore tradition of the Taittiriya Upanisad.

These are beautiful mantras and learning them is a meditation in and of itself.

They are a powerful way to anchor your personal practice.

In this workshop we will:

-talk about the symbology of Ganesha and Saraswati in the Vedas and why they are called in at the beginning of practice.

-learn a breakdown of the Sanskrit pronunciation and svara (intonation)

-discuss an overview of the meaning of the mantras

Sunday, December 11 at 7PM EST - If you cannot attend live you will be sent the recording.

Investment $36 *This workshop is included in the registration for Sacred Sound 40 Day Practice at no additional charge. For more info click HERE

To register please fill out the form below and send payment via PayPal ( or Venmo (@Melissa-Urey).