40-day Meditation Practice w/Sanskrit Mantra

September 8 - October 20 No Class October 6

Registration closed. Stay tuned for the next practice!


Join me for a delicious journey into the Nature of reality

with the divine feminine in all forms.

Culturally we are living in a very structured world at this time. Because of this, many have lost touch with the power of flow that resonates in the divine feminine. Often qualities of the divine feminine are viewed as weakness because these paradigms were set up by men ages and ages ago.

There is deep wisdom that resides in Devi - the many forms of Mother.

Throughout this 40-day practice we’ll examine our own relationship with the many forms of this energy through the 10 Tantric Wisdom Goddesses. We’ll examine how we can recognize and work with these energies both inside of us and in our environment. Some forms may feel uncomfortable to us, whiles others may feel nurturing, compassionate or even ecstatic, but it’s important to remember that in order to find wholeness we must embrace all.

We’ll also explore the balance of masculine and feminine energies and how imbalances play out in our health and decision making.

Thank you to Sri for creating a beautiful way for us to learn, practice and heal together! Sri is an amazing human that brings so much passion and love into teaching. I cannot wait to learn more.
I feel so connected & empowered.
— September Blake


-the power of time and transformation

-beauty of perception

-the cosmic womb within each one of us

-destroying limitations and illusion

-trancendance of the mind and pure awareness

-depths of the unknown and the unmanifest

-truth of self-nature

-knowledge, talent and expertise

-divine grace, love and beauty

I love this class! I’m getting my sadhana back on track and it feels wonderful to be with everyone.
— Śraddha Heather Goulette


My intention with these containers is to make it as easy as possible to feel engaged with your practice. We will be learning simple mantras to use for daily japa practice (repetition of mantra) and a couple of longer mantras honoring the power of the divine feminine in her many forms.

The goal will be to set up a steady practice, taking time each day to chant, connecting with the attributes these goddesses embody and inviting an awareness of how they manifest in our own lives and the world around us.

There will also be ideas for supplementary practices to go along with the chanting if you wish to spend more time on any given day.

Thank you Sri for this opportunity to be a part of this wonderful group of women and to move deeper into my devotional practice. It has made a deep impression on me and one that draws me deeper with each chant. Thank you and then a million more.
— Amy McLellan


Sundays & Tuesdays at 7PM *You will receive all class recordings whether or not you are able to attend live.

No class on Sunday, October 6

Evening classes/practices will include:

  • exploring the archetypal energies of the 10 Tantric Wisdom Goddesses through myth and symbology

  • learning mantras honoring the divine feminine with correct Sanskrit pronuncuiation and translation

  • group chanting/meditation

The dates of this year’s practice will encompass Navaratri - The Nine Nights of the Goddess. This is a festival where the goddess is celebrated in honor of her triumph over forces of darkness.

I will offer an additional 30 minute live practice (time TBA) on the first and final day of Navaratri which will be available as a recording if you miss the live practice.

No experience necessary, however, a sincere desire to work with mantra is important.

Sri Devi’s Sacred Sound workshop opened up a whole world to me, more deeply attuned to the vibrations of the universe. Her passion and ability to teach and bring the deeper meanings of the mantras to light as well as the skill to teach the technical aspects of pronunciation and Sanskrit reading and writing have considerably deepened my practice. I am so thankful to Sri for sharing her wisdom
— Bristol Pavol


If you have previously participated in a 40-day Sacred Sound practice, you are invited to participate at a discounted registration of $222.


12 live online evening classes/chanting and meditation practice (w/recordings)

2 live online Navaratri practices (w/ recordings)

A practice manual with mantras, meditation practices, journal prompts and other ideas to incorporate into your practice.

A Teachable portal with:

All class materials

Recordings of all the mantras that we will using in the course

Recordings of all classes/practices

There will also be a What’s App group chat for questions, observations and encouragement throughout the program.

If you are a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance, there are 18 YA CEUs available for completing this program. Please contact me for details.

To register fill out the form below and send payment via PayPal ( or Venmo (@Melissa-Urey) The Venmo account has a picture of yellow roses :)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!