Sacred Sound


40-Day Meditation Practice with Sanskrit Mantra

1/1/2023 - 2/9/2023

registration closed - stay tuned for upcoming practice!

A Journey Through the Chakras to Manifest Intentions

Mantra is vibrational cleansing. When we chant, we purify negative energy.

Mantra is sound healing. When we chant, we clear stagnant energy and open up space for vital life force to fill.

Mantra is actively engaging. If you haven’t tried it, mantra may be a great practice for you. It actively engages your your creative force (throat chakra) and anchors a busy mind. It develops concentration, and leads to an easier time sitting with yourself.

Mantra lifts vibration. It lifts your personal vibration and radiates out, lifting the vibration of your immediate environment and beyond.

Mantra is an excellent vehicle to connect you to your deepest inner wisdom and intuition.

This course will focus on using mantra as a 40 day meditation practice.

I’m so excited to once again offer this opportunity to sit together in spiritual community, practicing this beautiful ancient technology to clear old energy and fuel our intentions for the new year.

This year, instead of choosing different personal mantras to work with, we will dive into mantras that we will all use throughout each week, creating a sense of camaraderie knowing there are others doing the same practice. At the beginning of each session, there will be an opportunity to share insights and experiences that we have had working with the mantra between meet ups as well as optional mini pop up practices throughout the 40 days for added connection.

No prior experience in Sanskrit or chanting is necessary.

Sri Devi’s Sacred Sound workshop opened up a whole world to me, more deeply attuned to the vibrations of the universe. Her passion and ability to teach and bring the deeper meanings of the mantras to light as well as the skill to teach the technical aspects of pronunciation and Sanskrit reading and writing have considerably deepened my practice. I am so thankful to Sri for sharing her wisdom
— Bristol Pavol

To see what other people who took the course have said click HERE

To learn more about the benefits of a chanting practice click HERE


Included in the practice:

Sunday, January 1st, we’ll begin the 40 days with a group practice to generate the energy of the container. We’ll do an opening intention setting meditation connecting with the elements and call in Ganesha to clear any obstacles.

Tuesdays 7PM EST online class and practice to dive into exploring a new chakra each week, learning the mantra, a weekly meditation and healing techniques to explore.

You will receive the class recording whether or not you are able to attend live.

Sundays 7PM EST - online chanting and meditation group practice

30 MINUTE PRIVATE SESSION- I am available to meet before the practice begins or if questions arise throughout the practice for additional support.

An Introduction to Vedic Invocational Mantras - You will receive a recorded workshop breaking down the pronunciation of the opening mantras we will use at the beginning of each session

Access to a Teachable portal where each week you will find the week’s mantras, a guided mediation, and class recordings.


Week 1 - Tilling the Soil - 1st Chakra * Earth * Ganesha

Week 2 - Diving into the Womb of Creation- 2nd Chakra * Water * Bhuvaneshwari

Week 3 - Fueling the Power of Will - 3rd Chakra * Fire * Durga

Week 4 - Nourishing the Manifesting of Love - 4th Chakra * Light * Lakshmi

Week 5 - Observing the Power of Creativity - 5th Chakra * Air + Sound * Saraswati

Week 6 - Transforming the Unmanifest - 6th Chakra * Akash * Shiva+Kali



6 live classes and Q&A w/ recordings

7 Sunday chanting sessions

1 private session

A course manual with mantras, meditation practices, journal prompts and other ideas to incorporate into your practice.

Recordings of all the mantras that we will using in the course

Recordings of guided meditations specific to each week

If you are a yoga teacher Continuing Education Credits are available: 16 non-contact CE credits are available with Yoga Alliance with completion of weekly homework assignments.

To register fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Upon receipt you will issued a PayPal invoice to complete your registration or if you prefer you can send payment via Venmo (@Melissa-Urey).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!