Manifesting with the Goddess

40 days of Cultivating Abundance

registration closed stay tuned for next practice!


The energy of spring brings a great opportunity for us to invite new beginnings.

In nature expansion is happening all the time. As humans, desire for expansion is inevitable. The question is, what do you really want? What will really make you happy? Are you expending your energy in ways that is supportive to what you would like to create? We tend to lean into external experiences and material things to create internal fulfillment, but what if we flipped that?

As we move into this time of rebirth happening all around us, we can use nature as a guide to examine how we can best use our own energy to create in the garden of our life.

Do you know what seeds you want to plant? (Are your intentions clear?)

Is the soil rocky or undernourished? (Are there mental blocks preventing growth?)

Do you have enough water in your can to provide for all the seeds? (Are you spreading yourself too thin?)

Are you getting enough sunlight? (How is you ability to receive?)

Mother Earth is the great goddess that holds us all. In the Vedas this is Bhu.

In Sanskrit, bhu is also the root for the verb to be. This is fascinating to me because it draws direct correlation to the connectivity of our internal and external experience.

In the Vedic tradition there are many faces of this energy of abundance and nourishment, perhaps the most well known being Lakshmi. In this 40 day practice we will dive into this cosmic power that provides all we need and could ever hope for.


-the secret of manifesting

-clearing self doubt

-seeing yourself as auspicious

-the cycle of giving and receiving

-remedies for Alakshmi (scarcity mindset)

-being comfortable outside your comfort level


We’ll pave the way of this 40 day practice with both the Lakshmi and Bhu gayatri mantras. You may choose to focus on one for daily practice or use them interchangeably. In addition to symbology, our Sunday classes and group practice will focus on refinement of the Sanskrit pronunciation. This increases concentration and invites the vibration of the mantra to go underneath mental blocks and enliven every cell in your body.

Friday is Lakshmi’s day. Each Friday I’ll offer a live morning practice that you will have the recording for to do at your leisure if you miss. During this practice we’ll do gentle yoga and pranayama (breathwork) for clearing stagnation and inviting the energy of spring along with a Lakshmi gayatri practice.

I have been studying manifesting for years, and I have found chanting, guided meditation and other yogic practices to invaluable tools for creating the life I have now. I am also so excited to share with you easy daily manifestation exercises to help you cultivate a feeling of true happiness inside, in order to magnetize more external experiences to match.

I’ve been very emotional over the last 40 days- in a really good and opening way. I’m working on making a couple big changes in my life, and these teachings with you have felt like an integral part of the change. I’ve been noticing unexpected possibilities popping up around me.
Also, adding beej mantras to my daily meditation practice feels like I’ve jumped so far forward into meditation. There’s no going back! I love immersing myself into the vibrations and simply noticing....everything.
Thank You!!
— W.Y.


Sunday, April 23 at 7PM online, we’ll begin the 40 days with a group practice to generate the energy of the container. We’ll do an opening meditation connecting and honoring the energy of creative expansion both internal and external. The mantras we’ll be using for this practice will be the Bhu Gayatri mantra and the Lakshmi Gayatri mantra. We’ll do an overview during this first class of meaning and pronunciation that will continue to unfold over the 40 days.

Fridays 6:30AM EST online Lakshmi practice incorporating, gentle asana (yoga), breathwork and chanting.

Sundays 7PM EST - online goddess satsang, chanting and meditation group practice

You will receive all class recordings whether or not you are able to attend live.

My practice evolution went from day one – ‘I don’t have time for this. I don’t have space for this. Oh, it doesn’t matter if I skip today and tomorrow and most of the week.’ Skip to today’s inner dialogue- ‘I am enjoying no less than an hour and a half for each practice AND I want to do it twice a day.
— Divya Jyothi Anne Elise Stern


6 live morning practices w/ recordings

6 Sunday Goddess satsangs with chanting and meditation practice

A simple daily manifestation practice sent to your inbox and a WhatsApp group to share insights and keep you motivated.

A practice manual with mantras, meditation practices, journal prompts and other ideas to incorporate into your practice.

Recordings of all the mantras that we will using in the course

Recordings of guided meditations to connect and embody your own creative force.

If you are a yoga teacher Continuing Education Credits are available: 16 non-contact CE credits are available with Yoga Alliance with completion of weekly homework assignments.

To register fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

To register fill out the form below and send payment via PayPal ( or Venmo (@Melissa-Urey) The Venmo account has a picture of yellow roses :)

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!