Empowering Transformation
A 40-Day Mantra Meditation Practice
with Durgā & Kālī
September 10 - October 24
Empower yourself with Goddess Durgā and Kālī to transform through your challenges.
As we evolve, life tests us. Often, circumstances are presented that are uncomfortable or even unfathomable in order to help us grow or bring healing to different aspects of our being. It’s important at these times to feel supported.
Goddess Durgā invokes confidence to hold your boundaries, use your will to persevere and the courage to keep your self respect intact. She aids in quelling demons, both external and internal. She has eight arms, each with a different weapon. She is ready for any given scenario. She is the mama bear. The Protector.
And if the demons keep coming, we call on Kālī.
When we find the strength and fortitude to face our challenges head on, something changes inside of us. We can be transformed by our ability to stand solidly in our own feet and move forward, fearlessly accepting and respecting ourselves no matter what’s going on externally.
This program is great for anyone wanting to deepen their relationship with these qualities while cultivating a steady daily practice.
“Sri offers her unique energy and deep commitment to
healing through mantra vibration with knowledge,
encouragement, stories and humor.
If you are curious about mantra, Sri is the guide for you.”
-protection, power, perseverance
-courage, will, confidence
-self respect, boundaries, radical self-acceptance
-walking through grief
-facing challenges with grace
-being your own ally
-Divine Wrath
-anger as a catalyst
-surrender to transformation
“My practice evolution went from day one - ‘I don’t have time
for this. I don’t have space for this. Oh, it doesn’t matter if
skip today and tomorrow and most of the week. Skip to
today’s inner dialogue- I am enjoying no less than an hour
and a half for each practice AND I want to do it twice a day.”
My intention with these containers is to make it as easy as possible to feel to engaged with your practice. We will be learning simple Durgā and Kālī mantras to use for japa practice (repetition of mantra) as well as pieces of the Durgā Sūktam that you may also incorporate if you choose.
The goal will be to set up a steady practice, taking time each day to chant, connecting with the attributes these goddesses embody and inviting an awareness of how they are alive inside you.
There will also be ideas for supplementary practices to go along with the chanting if you wish to spend more time on any given day.
“Sri ties in the archetypal energies and the mantras we
use to invite these energies to come alive inside of us, a
way to FEEL the sacred vibrations and sounds within.”
Sundays & Tuesdays at 7PM *You will receive all class recordings whether or not you are able to attend live.
No class on Sunday, October 1
Evening classes will include:
exploring the archetypal energies of Durgã and Kālī through myth and symbology
learning mantras for Durgā and Kālīwith correct Sanskrit pronuncuiation and translation
group chanting/meditation practice
The final days of our practice will be happening during Navaratri - The Nine Nights of the Goddess. This is a festival where the goddesses are celebrated in honor of Durga’s triumph after battling the demon Mahishasura for nine nights.
Each day beginning October 15 (the first day of Navaratri), I will offer a 30 minute live practice (times TBA) which will be available as a recording if you miss the live practice.
No experience necessary, however, a sincere desire to work with mantra is important.
“Sri Devi’s Sacred Sound workshop opened up a whole world to me, more deeply attuned to the vibrations of the universe. Her passion and ability to teach and bring the deeper meanings of the mantras to light as well as the skill to teach the technical aspects of pronunciation and Sanskrit reading and writing have considerably deepened my practice. I am so thankful to Sri for sharing her wisdom”
12 evening classes/chanting and meditation practice
9 live morning practices w/ recordings
A practice manual with mantras, meditation practices, journal prompts and other ideas to incorporate into your practice.
A Teachable portal with:
All class materials
Recordings of all the mantras that we will using in the course
Recordings of all classes/practices
We will also set up a What’s App group chat for questions, observations and encouragement throughout the program.
To register fill out the form below and send payment via PayPal (paypal.me/sridevihealingarts) or Venmo (@Melissa-Urey) The Venmo account has a picture of yellow roses :)
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!