ONLINE Yoga Nidra - A Journey into the Heart
Thursday, 2/27 at 7PM
In the yogic tradition the heart is the seat of the soul. It is where absolute happiness, joy and love can be experienced as well as our deepest pain.
The heart speaks more quietly than the mind. Join me for a special Yoga Nidra relaxing into the heart space to listen. We’ll invite a path to peace, compassion and unconditional love that isn’t contingent on anything external.
Yoga Nidra is a full body guided meditation that guides the awareness into a deeply relaxed state. From this place we can invite healing through the many layers of the subtle body as well as the physical body.
Benefits of this practice are many including:
-feeling deeply rested,
-stress relief,
-improved digestion,
-pain reduction
-overall sense of well being
better sleep
better cognitive thinking
Take some time to regulate your nervous system, be still and listen to your heart.
Payment is on a sliding scale $11-$18
No experience is necessary. Recordings will be sent if you cannot attend live.
To register fill out the form below and send payment via PayPal ( or Venmo (@Melissa-Urey) The Venmo account has a picture of yellow roses :)