September Yoga Nidra - The Balance of Light and Darkness - An Equinox Practice

There will always be some combination of darkness and light in all things. We tend to move away from one and towards the other, but what if we were able to sit comfortably with both? As we prepare for the autumn equinox, this Yoga Nidra will honor the natural balance of these two energies both inside and around us.

Join Melissa on Friday, September 17 at 7PM for an hour of this beautiful restorative practice.

Yoga Nidra is the practice of sleep with trace awareness. A completely guided meditation bringing the body, mind and spirit together in deep relaxation. Holding the awareness in this state of consciousness is extremely healing. Benefits of this practice are many including feeling deeply rested, stress relief, improved digestion, pain reduction and an overall sense of well being. No Experience necessary.

yogaMelissa Urey