Fundamentals of Yogic Chanting

Registration is now closed for this course. Please consider joining us for our next course Diving into the Mystery to Transform Your Reality - An Intensive Sanskrit Mantra Experience

For more information click HERE


Mantra is a sacred and magical practice.

-If you are a person who loves the idea of using intention to co-create how you would like your life to be, mantra practice is for you.

-If you want to develop a stronger relationship with the universal energies that move this world, mantra practice is for you.

-If you are moving through a transition, would like to have less anxiety, devlop an inner support system, cultivate more self-love, mantra practice is for you.

Mantra is a dynamic practice for relieving suffering in the mind.

-As a meditation tool is gives the mind something to focus on that is not just "quieting the mind" In fact chanting out loud actually drowns the mind out! This makes it much easier to attain a meditative state. Also, because yogic chanting is in Sanskrit, the meaning is imbued in the subtle energy of the sound which means it bypasses argument from the logical brain.

-As a healing modality, research has shown innumerable health benefits from chanting including; lowering blood pressure, improving the immune system, as well as triggering the release of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and melatonin, chemicals which are the chemicals that help you feel happier.

Mantras serve as a key to opening a connection with a deep part of ourselves, where we can access both our own intuition and the wisdom of universal intelligence. They also facilitate an integration of higher knowledge that is presented to us in various ways.

Using a mantra regularly in your personal practice can make enormous transformations in both your inner and outer worlds.

My intention in offering this course is so that you will come out with an experience of the transformational and healing benefits of incorporating chanting into your life.

No prior experience in chanting is necessary.

Sri Devi is a wonderful teacher who’s passion and enthusiasm for the Mantra practice is pure. I look forward to her Sunday night chanting group as I experience such peace and stillness from the effects of this practice
— Ambika Pam Henderson



-Improved breathing and lung capacity

-Excellent for heart health

-Stimulates parasympathetic nervous system

-Calms and anchors the mind


-Improves concentration

-Improves memory

-Clears emotional blocks 

-Relieves stress


-Opens and clears the 5th chakra

-Connects one to universal archetypal energies in nature for greater well being


-How to create a personal chanting practice

-Basic introduction of Sanskrit sounds

-The 6 components of mantra

-Opening and closing mantras

-Mantras to bring peace, healing and balance to the system

-Mantras for manifestation and transformation

-Word to word translations and overall intentions for mantras used

-Different meditation techniques to integrate with mantra


4 live classes

4 chanting circles

A Teachable portal to access all class materials including:

- recordings of each class

-course handbook

-recordings of each mantra used

If you are a yoga teacher Continuing Education Credits are available: 10 non-contact CE credits are available with Yoga Alliance with completion of weekly homework assignments.

To register fill out the form below. (registration is currently closed)

Upon receipt you will issued a PayPal invoice to complete your registration or if you prefer you can send payment via Venmo (@Melissa-Urey).

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me!