A Moment of Timelessness at the Balance Point

Right now, I am in the mountains of Colorado. The air is very different here than where I live in Maine. Or maybe it’s not even the air. It’s the energy. When I am in Maine, the water is always moving, and somehow, I can feel that movement even when I am nowhere near the water. The trees are most often in conversation with each other, as the wind moves between them. And the birds. If I don’t see them, I can always hear them. When I am sitting still in Maine, I can feel the environment very actively around me. It may be peaceful activity, but as I continue to cultivate stillness inside of myself, I become more and more aware of the subtle buzzing of the energy all around.


This morning, I woke up well before dawn and went outside. Watching the sun rise is one of my favorite things to do. I am well acquainted with the stillness of pre-dawn. I sat down on a large freezing cold rock in front of my sister’s house and looked up into the hazy, deep blue expanse of sky. The full moon was beginning to set on my right, while the faint tinge of peachy-pink colors began growing on my left. 


It was beautiful, but what I noticed even more than what I saw was what I felt. 


Stillness. Stillness like I have rarely experienced. There was this quality of stillness that was different from the stillness back East. It wrapped around me like a warm blanket. The air was still, but even more so, the space around me was still. As I sat, I invited it in. I began to feel this profound moment of balance in my system. Every cell in my body, every corner of my mind every ounce of my spirit was suspended in a sort of timelessness and with it came an immense feeling of gratitude and connection that was so overwhelming, all I could do was cry.


Then, time began moving again. Slowly, I watched the tips of the mountains in front of me become dipped in light. The moon finally sank below the mountain as light continued to drip down the mountainside like liquid gold. I could see cars on the road far below on their way to begin the routine of the day.


As an energy work practitioner, Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra Instructor, I am sure I have spoken many times about the value of stillness. I preach stillness to match our general cultural pull towards activity. As it is Equinox and nature is speaking of balance, I thought I might take this moment to frame the practice of stillness as a practice of balance. Not only within ourselves but in our environment as well. When the energy around us is busy, it is that much more important to seek time in quietude, just like if we are alone the majority of the time it is important to be around other people. Both are important equally. So, take a moment or two to observe your routine, your environment and see what you need. Observe what will bring your system into balance and seek it out.

Because at that point of balance there is that moment of timelessness. There is a moment of immense gratitude and connection. There is bliss.


Sending you much love,

Sri Devi Melissa